Friday, December 16, 2016

What is Ransomware? (Level 1)

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware is not a new term, and it’s certainly become more well known in 2016.  You can bet that we’ll see a lot more ransomware headlines.  There are two basic forms of Ransomware, and what is most common is the cryptor.  This malicious program encrypts data on your device and demand money, usually in the form of Bitcoin, for its release. The more advanced cryptors will scan your network and attack other computers, servers, and drives..   The less common form of Ransomware is the locker. While cryptors actually modify the data on your computer with encryption, lockers simply prevent your access to your data, typically with a large screen coving ransom letter.  The more creative locker program claim that your data has been seized by a law enforcement agency or other state agency.  
Ransomware most feared in 2015 were CTB-Locker, CyrptoWall, and TeslaCrypt.
Most active and feared in 2016 were Locky, Cerber and CryptXXX.
More on this to come.

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